Graduation and Getting the Proper Jobs


Everybody acknowledges the importance of getting New Title after struggling finishing the fabulous journey, studying in certain University. It might be in form of Diploma, Bachelor, Master’s Degree or so on. As the result, Now I would like to WELCOME you all, my respected readers! This little piece of unworthy writing would demonstrate you especially for Collegians or Fresh Graduates about a precious story of someone winning this life. Discussion on what should people review and understand deeply about the fundamental principle of life after having GRADUATION is created here. Moreover, this is also about my will to entertain the distinguished readers to be relax and to erase the whole stresses got while thinking a few difficulties to gain proper jobs they dream after having GRADUATION.
I got this idea while I am thinking about fresh graduates’ conditions nowadays that they are particularly feeling sad and depressed due to inability to reach their most expected future. Spending a night to write was just such a very awesome moment at the time with the warm coffee that was very loyal to accompany me till my eyes was going to close.
It is started when this unknown person has just graduated from his beloved university. He had just got the job after waiting for six months. Before getting his job, he tried to spend much time helping his brother in Yogyakarta to keep rent computer and being translator. At the time, getting experience was the first priority hence getting less salary was not terrible master. He was also sending several application letters to certain companies until finally the statement “congratulation! You are accepted to our company”. Working more than a year as account officer in Sriboga Raturaya was becoming such a memorable experience for him. Afterwards, he continued his career with Telkomsel, a familiar telecommunication provider. After two years there, giving much struggle and sacrifice resulted on the better position there. Hence, he was admitted to be the supervisor and it created a will to continue his contract with his wife (getting married). Finally, for all of the respected readers here, it is found notable words that everything will always be fine as far as there is a trust, effort and prayer to be better and successful ahead. Hence, do not worry even if We Might not get a dreamt job until some time, what we need to believe is just improving Ad-Du’a to the Al-Mighty asking the best for us.

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